Technical Department

Students Using Computers

The Technical Department consists of subjects in Group 4 and Group 5. The following subjects are offered by the department at Kiine Girls’:

  • Home science
  • Computer studies
  • Agriculture and
  • Business studies

Students are allowed to take two subjects in the lower classes but proceed with one subject at the higher level.

The school is in the process of adding more subjects to enable our students have a wider choice. These will include Music and a Foreign Language. We ensure we move along with advancement of technology.

Our aim is to model girls into ladies who will be self-reliant in terms of skills needed in day-to-day living. Through these skills they can become entrepreneurs and create jobs.

May God bless Kiine Girls.

Mr. Chomba Kavuitu - HOD Technical Department

Mr. Chomba Kabuitu
(HOD Technical Department)