Science Department

Science Equipment

The Science Department comprises of three subjects:

  • Chemistry
  • Biology and
  • Physics

Chemistry is compulsory and learners are required to choose one more science, i.e. Biology or Physics. On that note, learners who wish to take all three sciences are allowed and encouraged to do so.

The department is striving to offer an excellent science education to students according to their different abilities. We have a staff of sixteen teachers who are subject specialists and are driven by the desire to ensure that all the learners make good progress.

Our objective is to identify and develop best practices, instructional materials and strategies to improve and accelerate achievement in the three sciences.

Our vision is to present science as a rational and systematic observation, identification, description, experimental investigation and theoretical explanation of natural phenomena.

Madam Grace Akwalu - HOD Science Department

Madam Grace Akwalu
(HOD Science Department)