Language Department


The department of languages comprises teachers from two compulsory subjects i.e. English and Kiswahili. The department has 5 English teachers and 7 Kiswahili teachers.

The department focuses at realizing their dream mean of 7 and above in both subjects at KCSE. To achieve this, the members embrace consultations with one another, sacrifice and teamwork in implementation of the curriculum. In addition, they embrace dedication to the task and a high level of integrity. These strategies have been the seedbed to the continued fair performance over the years with Kiswahili registering a mean of 5 and above and English 6 and above at KCSE.

The motto for the department is “Teamwork for excellent performance.” In God we trust to realize our set targets.

Margaret W. Njima - HOD Language Department

Margaret W. Njima
(HOD Language Department)