Humanity Department


Humanities are very important disciplines since they deal with humanity (our cultural heritage and that of other societies, empathy and values), which essentially that is what the world is made up of.

Humanity department offers 3 subjects i.e.:

  • Christian Religious Education (CRE)
  • History and
  • Geography

There are currently 13 teachers in the department who work closely as a team. Over the years, the department has seen a rise in their performance due to the team work, hard work and support given by the school administration, more so the B.O.M, the Principal, the Deputy Principal and the Dean of Studies.

In our department, CRE is a compulsory subject and learners study CRE throughout their four-year course. In Form 2, the learner either chooses to study History or Geography based on her personal interest and the course of her preference. At this point, the learner is guided by the parent and the subject teacher in collaboration with the Career Department in the school.

Our average K.C.S.E mean score in the subjects is 6.0. However, we are working as a team to see to it that we attain an average of 7.5 and beyond.

Our vision is to have more students performing better and getting straight ‘A’s in the three subjects for the success of their careers. More so, to have girls who are critical thinkers, creative and innovative learners who have moral values. Girls having strong social responsibility, respect for and conservation of the environment, all these in a bid to make the world a better place.

To secure a rich educational environment, the department acknowledges the importance of team spirit and work among its 13 members, team spirit among learners, and between the subject teacher and learner.

Quick and thorough completion of the syllabus, group discussions and Continuous Assessment Tests (CATs) are some of the strategies (to mention but a few) that we have embarked on as a department to realize our full potential.

The world deals with humanity, and so is the importance of teaching Humanities in schools.

God bless Kiine Girls.

A. W. Karanja - HOD Humanities Department

A. W. Karanja
(HOD Humanities Department)