Games Department

Hockey Team

The Kiine Girls’ Games & Sports Department is one of the major components of our school. It is headed by Mr. Wandeto as the Head of Department (H.O.D) assisted by E. Onyancha as the Assistant H.O.D. There are other teachers that assist in training of various teams.

We conduct compulsory Games every Mondays and Fridays from 4:20pm to 5:20 pm for students to have wholistic growth.

Here’s a list of Games activities we offer:

  1. Soccer -U 16
  2. Volleyball
  3. Netball
  4. Basketball
  5. Handball
  6. Hockey
  7. Table tennis
  8. Badminton
  9. Chess & Scrabble

We are also intending to start Lawn Tennis and Dart.

Our teams usually do very well in competitions and in the last 2 years, our soccer team U 16 and U 19 have been crowned County Champions and have competed favourably at Regional preliminaries and Final. We wish to take all Games to Nationals.

God bless Kiine Girls

Mr. Wandeto - HOD Games Department

Mr. Wandeto
(HOD Games Department)