
Kiine Girls' Main Gate

Kiine Girls’ High School is a public extra-county girls’ boarding secondary school located in Kirinyaga West Sub-county, Kirinyaga County, Kenya.  It began in 1969 as a mixed secondary school under the sponsorship of the ACK church. However, it closed down for several years and reopened in 1973. The school continued operating as a mixed school till the year 1983 when the stakeholders decided to turn the institution into a girls’ school. In 1986, all the boys were phased out. The school became a government district secondary school in 1994 and was in 2009 elevated to a county secondary school. In 2021, the school became an extra county school.

At present, Kiine Girls’ High School has a population of over 700 students with Form 1 having five streams, Form 2 having three sreams and Forms 3-4 having four streams, thanks to the ACK Church, Kiine community, BOM, PA, the Government and well-wishers who have enabled the school get this far.

Kiine Girls’ High School is currently headed by Dr. Phyllis M. Muturi as the principal and Ms. Naomi Mwangi as the deputy principal. It has a professional staff of 36 teachers who are dedicated to helping students achieve their full potential.

Kiine Girls’ High School is located in a beautiful and serene rural environment along Sagana – Karatina road; about 18 minutes’ drive from Karatina and 20 minutes’ drive from Sagana.


Kiine Girls' High School Logo


Strive to Excel


To give back to the society an all-round individual who will lead a quality life and serve national needs.


To develop a wholistic person through integrity, professionalism, team work and efficiency.

Core Values

  • Discipline
  • Integrity
  • Professionalism
  • Innovativeness
  • Commitment
  • Team Work
  • Efficiency
  • Creativity
  • Dignity
  • Dedication